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Thank you for your time and hopefully we’ll get to welcome you to our beautiful country Bosnia & Herzegovina and all Balkans.

The mosque is considered one of the oldest in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is a unique building built in the early Ottoman period in the 15th century, between 1460 and 1480. It is situated on a rock next to the road between Zvornik and Konjevic Polje.

The mosque, to which can be reached only on foot, through the woods and narrow road, was demolished during the aggression against Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1993, as well as numerous other mosques and Islamic schools in the Drina valley.

In the past, the mosque Kušlat has been a popular place not only for believers. The passers were  attracted by legends related to its creation.

The fresh morning air, the soothing silence and a dominant sight of the building is kind of a prize to every visitor who decides to visit this building.


This cultural-historical monument is located at where Jadar river flows into Drinjača  river, 15 kilometers south from Zvornik, on a vertical rock. As a significant monument of material culture it testifies about a bygone era when it, with its beauty, power and strength of walls, symbolized power and reputation of its masters.


Travel writer Evlija Čelebija wrote: “It is a round stone town on the bank of Jadar river, on a cliff that rises up to the sky… A man does not dare to look down at the valley, where the river roars like thunder.”

A granary, an armory, five cannons and a commander (dizidar) to 28 crew soldiers existed in Kušlat according to his statements. In the town there were 120 houses with gardens; a path leading to the town is carved in stone, two steps wide, and there are 500 stone steps and stone fence on both sides. Rocks on which the town is built is leaned and pointed like an egg.


Ivo Andrić wrote down: “What Bosnian are you if you have never heard of Kušlat. It is on that part of an old road that leads from Zvornik to central Bosnia, and is famous for the first mosque in Bosnia.”


There are numerous records in history books, and the memories of people who visited it, about the history and uniqueness of the mosque.


When planning a trip to Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina might not be the first destination on your itinerary. Many people still relate the country with the war-torn ’90s, and imagine the landscape to be bleak and barren. But in reality, there are numerous attractions in Bosnia and Herzegovina besides ecotourism including its incredible history, glorious weather, rich culture, and broad range of ecosystems.

Eco Place 2

Hutovo Blato National Park

If birds are your thing, there’s no better place in Southeast Europe to see them than Hutovo Blato National Park, which has over 240 migratory bird species and dozens of others that make the marshlands their home. A meeting point for a number of different rivers, Hutovo Blato is mostly made up of wetlands, but also includes swamp meadow and forests habitats, making it a melting pot of vegetation and wildlife. The park offers boat tours through the wetlands that are perfect for bird-watchers. There are also a number of walking and cycling paths, allowing visitors to cover as much of the park’s 7,400 hectares as they choose.

Eco Place 1

Kravice Waterfalls

Located 40 km outside the city of Mostar and stemming from the Trebižat River, the Kravice Waterfalls attract thousands of visitors every year. Kravice is shaped a bit like a giant horseshoe, and the water looks as if it is falling from the green trees above, which are dense and thick. Visitors can swim in the clear waters and enjoy the view from the base of the falls, or go climbing up and behind the falls, exploring the natural basins and curtains of water. For thrill-seekers, there’s a rock in the center that’s around 30 feet high, which you can jump off of into the deeper waters below.

Eco Place 3

Vrelo Bune

The Vrelo Bune (or “Buna Spring”) is the source of the Buna River, and lies just outside the village of Blagaj. The spring, which runs through a cavern, is one of the largest and most beautiful in Europe, producing extremely clean and cold water. So cold, in fact, that the restaurants built next to the spring actually cool their crates of bottled drinks in the river instead of a fridge! The Blagaj Tekke (a monastery) was erected next to the water source back in the 17th century, and sits tucked under the enormous vertical cliffs, creating picture-perfect scenery for visitors to enjoy. Vrelo Bune makes for a relaxing day trip from Mostar– perfect for picnics or a lunch at the restaurants around the river.

Eco place 4

Vjetrenica Caves

With over 6 km of passageways, the Vjetrenica Caves are the largest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They’re located in the Popovo Polje valley, and are named for the cold air which blows from the entrance in the warmer parts of the year (Vjetrenica means “wind hole”). The cave houses the largest subterranean biodiversity in the world, with over 200 species ranging from cave-dwelling fish and insects to shellfish that only survive in underground systems. Vjetrenica also has ancient cave drawings of bears and leopards estimated to be over 10,000 years old. It’s currently sitting on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list, waiting to be approved for protection. Tours of the caves are possible from within Bosnia, but you can also find tours departing from Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Eco place 5

Sutjeska National Park

Sutjeska National Park attracts both nature and history lovers alike. Established in 1962, it’s the oldest national park in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It features the highest peak in the country, Maglić. It also contains the Perućica Forest Reserve (one of only two primeval forests left in Europe), which hides the 246-foot tallSkakavac waterfall. The park was the location of the 1943 Battle of the Sutjeska during World War II. A war memorial now stands within the “Valley of the Heroes,” where the Yugoslavian Partisans overpowered the German occupying forces, even though they lost a third of their men. With over 300 species of birds, and other animals such as bears, wolves, the Balkan Chamois and foxes, Sutjeska National Park is a must-see for any animal lover visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Written by Emma Higgins